Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Two-Class State

In the mid-90s, America was to be first exposed to a car that could run on electricity.  However, Chevron bought controlling interest in the company responsible for the battery and made sure that didn’t happen. 

Since, gas prices have continued to spiral upward.

The man behind First Defense Nasal Screens, designed to reduce by 99% the respiratory exposure to viruses, germs, dust, pollen, pollutants, second-hand smoke and carcinogens, approached pharmaceutical companies in regards to his development.  These companies sought to buy controlling interest in his product and then shelf it.  Why?  These companies made much more money on nasal sprays and over-the-counter respondents.  In other words, these companies were getting richer on us being sick. 

Meanwhile, those who suffer from allergies, asthma, and cystic fibrosis will continue to suffer with minimal relief.

Corporations don’t guard over the public welfare.  Corporations don’t promote tranquility and justice among us.  Corporations don’t protect our liberties and our rights. 
The purpose of corporations is to guard over and protect their investors.       

The incorporation of schools will mean that inequality will grow to where we will fundamentally become a two-class society; principals will become like CEOs who must maximize profits by hiring a younger and cheaper staff; private sources of funding will mean inequitable distribution of monetary assistance; and the corporate goal of making profits will replace all public goals of learning, developing and growing.

The first step in such a process is to generate cash-strapped schools.  Welcome to Wisconsin!

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