Saturday, March 19, 2011

In the Spirit of the Game

It's tourney time.  

In an effort to celebrate the game so many love, consider...taxes? 

Bronxville is one of the richest suburbs in America.  Forty percent of the tax payers in Bronxville make over $200,000/year.  Its residents simply don’t want to pay any more taxes. 

Kim Hughes was a coach for the Los Angeles Clippers.  In 2004, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was not insured. 

The tax anxiety of the residents in Bronxville is typical of America today – the anti-tax movement is as strong as ever.  However, taxes on the wealthy, which are proportionately higher, should not be viewed as an unfair imposition.  Rather, it’s an American advantage in an economic competition that spans the globe. 

To Kim Hughes, taxes have the potential to be something far more significant.  Taxes may be a lifesaver. 

As a coach of the L.A. Clippers, Mr. Hughes was well cared for by the likes of Corey Maggette, Elton Brand, Chris Kaman, and Marko Jaric.  Not everyone in this country, however, is blessed with the company of such people.
Said Maggette, “He was in a situation where the Clippers' medical coverage wouldn't cover his surgery. I thought it was a great opportunity to help someone in need, to do something that Christ would do.  It shows your humanity, that you care for other people and not just yourself.”
No divide among these men – they are members of one team.
Industrialist Andrew Carnegie's observed: "Where wealth accrues honorably, the people are always silent partners."  Interpretation: Nobody got rich on their own. 

A working relationship has to be recreated in this state.  With Walker as governor, it certainly appears we’re destined for divorce.

In a poll conducted by the Journal Times, 43.5% of Wisconsin’s population “strongly approve” of the job Walker is doing.  50.04% “strongly disapprove” of his leadership.  By itself, this is not telling of our future together.  However, consider that only 4.4% “approve” and 2.04% “disapprove”.

What one sees is the statistical manifestation of the great divide that has been created in this state by our governor.  There is no middle ground.  In this state today, you’re either on one side or the other.

In the state of Wisconsin, as it is equally true for the residents of Bronxville, taxes are lifesavers.       
In the words of Mr. Hughes, "You can have all the money, all the success, all that stuff, all those so-called important things in life, but in the end, you're judged by what you did for your fellow man.”
We have great people all around us – great human beings.  I’m proud to write that one such person is an ex-player of mine.  Recently he wrote me: Medical school has been busy but it is an amazing experience.  I have never worked so hard and yet feel like I still have so much more work to do in my life.  I am currently doing an OB/GYN rotation so I have been taking care of pregnant women and dealing with cancer so far.  It has been rewarding, but I did experience an extremely difficult situation when a mother gave birth to a premature baby that did not make it.  It was so hard for me to witness the utter sadness and agony the father went through when his child did not survive.  I could not imagine what the mother and father were going through that day and what they will endure for the rest of their lives.  I really do feel blessed to be a physician though.  It gives you an opportunity to really do something to help people.

No divide – people taking care of people.

Did I mention he is an ex-player of mine?  I’m very proud of him!! 

In the very least, (in an effort to show your humanity, to care for other people, to really do something to help others) pay your taxes. 

Consider this quote from Coach K of Duke:  "I like to think of each as a separate finger on the fist. Any one individually is important. But all of them together are unbeatable.”


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