Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Sermon

This is often called a Christian nation.
It is the role of all Christians to serve. One’s church and government are vehicles through which Christians in this nation may serve.
I appreciate the opportunity to serve my local community through church-sponsored dinners. I wash dishes.  Financially-stricken families attend with their children to satisfy their hunger. It’s a small price to pay, washing dishes.
Taxes are an equally small price to pay for hardship-stricken families in need of Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits.
This Christian nation, however, has developed the perception that only the Anti-Christ would raise taxes – the devil himself up from the pit of hell to reach into our pockets and steal our tax dollars. 
As a Christian nation, we’ve developed instead a political philosophy that takes from the needy, funnels what’s been taken to corporations which in turn hire these needy folks thereby allowing them to earn their money back. It’s a deliberate strategic cycle to insure the poor remain poor and the rich maintain their lifestyle. The maintenance of this status quo is called conservatism.
In Wisconsin, Governor Walker plans to remove Medicaid benefits from over 70,000 people. We’re broke he claims.
At the national level, Republican Representative Ryan from Wisconsin proposed a plan this week which funnels tax payer dollars to corporate insurers, which in turn will offer insurance benefits to the poor and elderly. This voucher system that he proposes will lessen care and promote corporate profits.
In Wisconsin, Govern Walker plans to take funds from middle class public workers while offering tax breaks for the wealthiest sector of our population.
The cycle is easy to illustrate: The conservative government takes moneys from the middle class, working class, poor, and elderly - - it distributes this money to corporations - - these corporations are to hire more workers - - the middle and working classes go to work in an effort to earn their money back. 
If taxes are to be taken, it’s the price Christians pay to serve those in need. 
Allow my taxes to promote the well-being of the elderly, the working class, and the elderly. My government, my Christian government, is to use my tax dollars to grow the well-being of folks in need at the same rate this nation grows. I don’t want the needy and the elderly to be merely maintained. My government and my church are to work to grow the hardship-stricken out of their plight…
…because we are to serve as Christians.        

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